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Computers for InSTEM Digital Doyens

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
28 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 18, at 11:55 PM CST
Project Owners

Computers for InSTEM Digital Doyens



DePaul University, College of Education's Inspiring STEM in Girls (inSTEM) program was developed in 2013 to provide academic enrichment opportunities for middle school girls. The long-term goal of the inSTEM program is to increase diversity and the number of females pursuing STEM studies and careers. The Association for Middle Level Education asserts the implication of the current status, “The underrepresentation of women in STEM fields raises two significant concerns: (a) women's lack of participation in highly influential and well-paid careers threatens to perpetuate and exacerbate existing socioeconomic disparities for women; (b) women will have little say when it comes to inventing the technologies of the future and determining how the world will be shaped by technology.” (2018).

The overall purpose of inSTEM is to encourage girls’ interest, especially those from low income and underserved populations, in STEM activities and foster their pursuit of advanced STEM education and STEM careers. This is achieved through individual and team STEM experiments, introduction to new content knowledge, mentoring by high school and college students and participation in leadership activities. The inSTEM framework provides a strong foundation for young women to enter the STEM pipeline as they transition into post-secondary education.

This campaign will specifically help us with additional computers that will reduce our work groups of 4-5 girls per computer to smaller more efficient work groups.  We ask that you contribute to the "Computers inSTEM Digital Doyens". Please help us meet our goal.


The inSTEM Staff and participants


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New Coders and Programmers

For 15 more girls that will be able to lead the STEM workforce with these new computers.


Women in the STEM workforce

for the 29% of women who make up the male dominated science and engineering workforce


Women with Bachelor Degrees

for 57% of bachelor degrees that go to women but only make up a quarter of the college educated STEM workers.


inSTEM was Established

2014 was when inSTEM started to inspire a whole generation of future women coders and programmers.


One new Apple Computer

$1000 is the price of a whole new computer for our future coders!

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