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Art and Cultural Heritage Law Society Fundraiser

Raised toward our $1,000 Goal
16 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 24, at 05:00 PM CDT
Project Owners

Help Fund students Art and Cultural Heritage Law Career Paths!

Please join the Art and Cultural Heritage Law Society at DePaul Law's Annual Fundraiser and Networking Event March 15 at 5 pm! We will have a ballet performance, a fun trivia game, and a chance to donate to our annual scholarship that helps law students with a passion for art and cultural heritage law fund summer internships working in the field. The event will take place on the Lower Concourse Level of the DePaul Center, located at 1 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, IL 60604.

Past scholarship recipients have had amazing opportunities to intern at various law firms practicing art law, museums, and foreign government research programs abroad. Donations will provide support to a DePaul law student who has a passion for art and cultural heritage law to accept internship positions that will further their goals. All donations are appreciated! 

We look forward to seeing you at our event and thank you for your donations!

Schedule for the event: 

5-5:30: Arrival 

5:30-5:50: Introduction/Ballet Performance 

5:50-6:30: Meet/Mingle 

6:30-7:30: Trivia

7:30: Awarding of Prizes

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