What is the number one thing college students have trouble with? Grades? Showing up to class? Well, what if I told you it is actually financial hardship. Students who are in good academic standing and show financial need are granted this scholarship and YOU can help! That is why I'm very passionate about this scholarship because when I transferred from DePaul last fall of 2022 I too had some assistance and it felt great to have some help with financial assistance to help me.
Furthermore, I don't know about you but I like giving. I'm a giver, just seeing the look on someone's face when you help them makes me feel all good inside. Especially if it can help some pursue their dreams as it has for me! DONATE NOW! Even if it is only $5.00, or donate something you are most comfortable with. And if you can't it is okay, just spread the word about this great opportunity to help out.
Below is where once you donate already and would like to donate more we have a raffle too!
DePaul University's David Drehmer Impact Scholarship 50/50 Raffle (You don't need to be a student)