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PR eLevated - 2023 PRSSA Midwest District Conference

Raised toward our $4,000 Goal
21 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on February 19, at 09:00 PM CST
Project Owners

Help support the next generation of PR leaders!

NEW - Stretch Goal: $5,250!

The amount that we have raised so far will cover the cost of printing, providing Ventra passes, and fund our Thursday and Friday morning meals. With additional contributions, we can fully fund and offset the cost of rental spaces, our evening reception, and set aside resources for our pre-professional organizations to continue providing more opportunities like this for members in the future! 

Why are these important? Our PRSSA chapters are constantly trying to make networking and professional development more affordable and attainable for all students that wish to learn and immerse themselves in the field. With additional contributions to our conference and chapters, we can help offset the annual PRSSA membership costs, and provide students with more opportunities to attend conferences and career development events that allow them to connect with future mentors and employers.


Who are we?

We are the DePaul Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA), a pre-professional student organization dedicated to enhancing students’ education, broadening their networks, and helping them launch meaningful careers in PR and communications fields. Throughout the year we bring in PR industry speakers, host networking and career development workshops, and link students to scholarships and mentorship opportunities through PRSSA National. This year we are working with our neighboring PRSSA chapter at Columbia College Chicago to offer a spectacular Midwest Conference, PR eLevated.

What is PR eLevated?

On March 2 and 3, DePaul PRSSA and Columbia College Chicago are co-hosting the 2023 PRSSA Midwest District Conference.

PR eLevated is a two-day event that will bring more than 100 students from universities throughout the Midwest (and beyond) to Chicago to experience our vibrant public relations scene and grow their networks. These are star PR students who are eager to learn about opportunities in Chicago!

Attendees will visit some of the largest global PR agencies and powerhouse boutiques to network directly with communications leaders from the biggest brands, causes, entertainment venues, and nonprofits. There will be workshops and inspiring speakers, as well as Chicago pizza (of course!).  PR eLevated aims to broaden students’ horizons by showing them the diverse opportunities in the PR field, with special attention to all the ways PR professionals and firms are doing good in the world.

What will my donation be used for?

Proceeds of this campaign will go towards conference expenses to help provide a truly memorable Chicago experience for attendees. Hosting a district conference is our chapters' main fundraiser of the year. Anything raised after expenses are met is used to provide year-round programming and community-building events, fund student travel to national conventions, bring in non-local speakers and make sure PRSSA is accessible to all students who want to join. Your donations will help us keep PReLevated costs down for attendees while still providing a priceless career development experience. See the donor levels for the description of some of the expenses we hope to cover through your donations.

How will donors be recognized?

We love our donors! All donors’ names will be listed on our Donor Wall, in the conference program, and on our conference website (with company logos). In addition:

  • Donors of $250 or more will be recognized on signage at the event;
  • Donors of $500 or more will be thanked in the keynote presentation introduction and may include an approved flyer in our conference bag;
  • Donors of $1000 or more will have their name/logo printed on any conference merchandise (like t-shirts or conference bags) and receive special thanks at our closing reception.

Thank you for your interest in supporting future public relations professionals! Please stay connected with our organizations and event:


Choose a giving level


'The Bean'

Your gift will support general conference expenses. For example, each donation at this amount could cover a Ventra pass for an out-of-town attendee.


The Magnificent Mile

Your gift will support general conference expenses and add some goodies to the conference bags.


The Buckingham Fountain

Your gift will support general conference expenses such as venue cost ($500) and conference promotions.


The eLevated Pass

Your gift will support enhancing the student experience at conference, such as by providing Ventra passes for 25 attendees, or paying for the hotel for our national committee representative.


The eLevated Bite

Your gift will help provide snacks and beverages during the conference.


The Deep Dish

Your gift will help provide pizza on Thursday and breakfast on Friday morning for our 100+ attendees.


The Chicago Skyline

Your gift will make a memorable closing reception possible! The Chicago Skyline Donor will receive special recognition at the reception and throughout the event.

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