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Juell Lagonero

Raised toward our $500 Goal
6 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 22, at 05:00 PM CDT
Project Owners

Let's Impact Lives Together!

Have you ever considered the incredible power one person can have in changing someone's life? That's exactly what the Impact Scholarship is all about, and I want to invite you to be that life-changing force. Your donation isn't just money; it's a ticket to someone's dreams, a chance to overcome obstacles and access the education they deserve. Picture being the reason someone's future is brighter, filled with opportunities they never thought possible. Your support becomes a personal investment in someone's potential, breaking down barriers and opening doors. Join me in directly impacting lives and turning aspirations into reality. Let's create a world where every individual has the chance to shine. Be the personal touch that transforms a life – donate to the Impact Scholarship and be part of a journey filled with hope and possibility.

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