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Friends of DePaul SIOP Event

Friends of DePaul SIOP Event Image
Raised toward our $3,000 Goal
28 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 26, at 12:00 AM CDT
Project Owners

Thank You to Donors!

April 04, 2018

The DePaul I-O faculty wishes to thank our DePaul I-O alumni, organizational, and local DePaul donors for their generous contributions!  We thank:


Julie Burg

Becky Winkler

Elna Hall

Ron Halverson

Don Allen

Shanique Brown

Aaron Sorensen

Sam Young

James Brooks

Eileen Linnaberry

Greg Sekowski

Dale Rose

Andrea O'Leary

Bridgette Mulder

Chris Adair

Gregory Fernandes

Camille Gallivan

Zachary Nelson


Anonymous x3


Vantage Leadership


Dean of College of Science and HealthGerry Koocher

I-O Faculty: Jane Halpert, Doug Cellar, Alice Stuhlmacher, and Goran Kuljanin

OB Faculty: Bob Rubin

Graduate Students: Tony Colaneri

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Contribute Any Amount

Every tax-deductible donation gives much needed support to help the IO program develop the next generation of IO psychologists! Select this option, and then, write-in desired donation amount.



One dollar for each year of the program (35-year anniversary)!


Friend of DePaul

Any contribution welcome!

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